The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – world’s most
powerful particle accelerator has been stopped for about two years to enable
major upgrades and renovations, CERN said. Operators of the CERN Control Centre
turned off LHC on December 3. The operations will resume in 2021. During its second run (2015-2018), the LHC performed beyond
expectations, achieving approximately 16 million billion proton-proton
collisions at an energy of 13 TeV and large datasets for lead-lead collisions
at. “The second run of the LHC has been impressive, as we could deliver
well beyond our objectives and expectations, producing five times more data
than during the first run, at the unprecedented energy of 13 TeV,” said Frederick
Bordry, CERN Director for Accelerators and Technology. “With this second long shutdown starting now, we
will prepare the machine for even more collisions at the design energy of 14
TeV,” Bordry said. “Over the
past few years the LHC experiments have made to. “The Higgs boson is a
special particle, very different from the other elementary particles observed
so far; its properties may give us useful indications about physics beyond the
Standard Model,” Gianotti said. A
cornerstone of the Standard Model of particle physics – the theory that best
describes the elementary particles and the forces that bind them together – the
Higgs boson was discovered at CERN in 2012 and has been studied ever since.
In particular, physicists are analysis. In
particular, physicists are analyzing the way it decays or transforms into other
particles, to check the Standard Model’s predictions. Over the last three
years, the LHC experiments extended the measurements of rates of Higgs boson
decays, including the most common, but hard-to-detect, decay into bottom
quarks, and the rare production of a Higgs boson in association with top
quarks. During the two-year break, Long
Shutdown 2 (LS2), the whole accelerator complex and detectors will be
reinforced and upgraded for the next LHC run, starting in 2021, and the
High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, which will start operation after 2025.
“The rich harvest of the second run enables
the researchers to look for very rare processes,” said Eckhard Elsen,
Director for Research and Computing at CERN. “They will be busy throughout the shutdown examining the huge data
sample for possible signatures of new physics that haven’t had the chance to
emerge from the dominant contribution of the Standard Model processes,”
Elsen said.
Several components of the accelerator chain
(injectors) that feed the LHC with protons will be renewed to produce more
intense beams. Some improvements of the LHC are
also planned during LS2. Civil engineering works for the HL-LHC that started in
June this year will continue, new galleries will be connected to the LHC
tunnel, and new powerful magnet and superconducting technologies will be tested
for the first time.