South Korea is a country that has huge power in itself. This country is not only Asia but has stunned the world on its own. This country is located on the Asia subcontinent. Today the whole world is feeling the excitement of South Korea’s kadam.
In this same date, South Korea took a new step, from the cleanliness of the cleaner. This road is being specially made from this side that they have not to be cleaned, they are already using such technology, so that these roads can be cleaned.
In fact, while making these roads, water pipes have been fitted in them so that these roads can be cleaned without any problems. The water used in the cleaning of these roads is the remaining water of factories and mills, which can not be used in any type of experiment.
At the same time, this water is released on a fixed schedule. Due to which the cleaning of the roads can also be done from time to time, and simultaneously the bad and the remaining water of factories also continues to be used from time to time. This step has got a great deal in organizing bad water in the country.
When this road is clean then pollution from vehicles and vehicles comes along the way to the surface of the road, due to which there is a reduction in the pollution caused by trains and also the atmosphere around the road has also been cleaned. Due to which the pollution in the air has decreased and bad water has also been arranged.