In this article today I will teach you types of stair and their used in different types of building. after reading this article you will be able to understand on types of stairs and will be able to select the suitable stairs for building. we have more types of staircase. but i will explain some main types of stairs.
Types of stairs in building
1.Straight stair
2. Half turn stairs
3. Circular stairs
4. Three quarter turn stairs
5. Spiral stairs
6. Bifurcated stairs
1: Straight Stairs
straight stair is no change in direction on any flight between two successive floors Straight stairs are generally use for the small house and type of stairs are used in that condition when the stair there is not any place in the house and stairs runs are straight between tow floors. and this types of staircase is also used for the single flight or double. with landing.
2:Half turn stair
Half turn stairs can change their direction on 180 degree. and these kind of stair his more 3 types.
- Dog legged Stair
- Open newel Half turn stair
- Geometrical half turn stairs
Dog Legged stairs:
Dog legged stairs comes under the category of newel stairs in which newel posts are provided at the beginning and end of each flight. and this types of design is mostly constructed for educational building.
open newel Half turn stair
this types of stairs his open newel half turn stairs. and this stair has a well between the outer strings.
Geometrical half turn stairs
In geometrical half turn stairs have no any newel post and in this staircase there are any geometrical shape. in this staircase direction is change. and for this types we required the skillful person to construct it because here is curve and many geometrical shapes are there.
3: Circular stairs
circular stairs can give us the view from top of this stair same like Circle therefore its called circular stairs. and this types of stairs can be design in those building where we don’t have the place, and some time its design to make the building attractive, and this types of stairs are construct from the RCC and Cast iron.
4: Three quarter turn stairs
this types of stair direction is changed three times . and its become turn in three quarters. this is the open newel stairs.and this types of staircase should be design when the vertical distance between two floor is more than we have to design three quarter turn stairs.
5: Spiral stairs:
These stairs are similar to circular stairs except that the radius of curvature is small and the stairs may be supported by a center post. Overall diameter of such stairs may range from 1 to 2.5 m. this types of stairs are same like circular shape.
6: Bifurcated stairs
the Bifurcated stairs is generally used in public building and special for the entrance hall. and this staircase wide flight is start which is sub-divides into narrow flight at the mid landing which turning to left and right at landing. it is also the type of newel post or geometrical types.