Beam is the horizontal member of a structure, carrying transverse loads. Beam is rectangular in cross-section. Beams carry the floor slab or the roof slab. Beam transfer all the loads including its self-weight to the columns or walls.
Types of Beams
- Simply Supported Beam
- Fixed Beam
- Cantilever Beam
- Continuous Beam
- Overhanging Beam
Simply Supported Beam
It is a beam supported freely at the two ends on walls or columns. In actual practice, no beam rests freely on the supports (walls or columns).
Fixed Beam
In this beam, both ends of the beam are rigidly fixed into the supports. Also, main reinforcement bars and stirrups are provided.
Cantilever Beam
It is fixed in a wall or column at one end and the other end is free, it is called cantilever beam. It has tension zone in the top side and compression zone in the top side and compression zone in the bottom side.
Continuous Beam
It is supported on more than two supports. This beam is more economical for any span lengths.
Overhanging Beam
In overhanging beam, its end extends beyond the wall or column support. Overhanging of the beam is the unsupported portion of the beam. It may be one side or both the sides of the support.
Types of Loading on Beams
- Concentrated Load
- Uniformly Distributed Loads
- Uniformly Varying Loads
- Arbitrary Loading
R.C.C. Beams
R.C.C. Beam is sunjected to bending moments and shear. Due to the vertical external load, bending compresses the top fibers of the beam and elongates the bottom fibers. The strength of R.C.C. beam depends on the composite action of concrete and steels.
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