Cracks in Concrete


Concrete as material as high adaptability to satisfy many aspects functionally needs.

  • Economy and maintenance
  • Protection against fire and environment
  • Resistance to cyclic loading
  • Explosive resistance and better control over deflection

RCC structures extensively used for 50-60years. Deterioration of RCC is natural phenomenon. It needs to maintain the functional condition of the structure.

The distress in the concrete structures due to……

  • Faulty designs and detailing
  • Use of inferior and substandard materials
  • Defects in construction
  • Extreme loading conditions like severe Earthquakes or cyclonic storms.
  • Lack of maintenance of the structure etc.
  • Concrete structures that are deficient in quality will reflection its durability.
  • Reinforcement corrosion will be faster and resistance to accidental fire will be reduced to a very great extent.


Defects (Cracking) in Concrete Structures

          Before Concrete Hardens

  • Plastic shrinkage cracks
  • Plastic settlement cracks
  • Cracks caused by movement
  • Of the formwork

          After Concrete Hardens

  • Spalling
  • Honeycombing
  • Dusting
  • Crazing
  • Rain damage
  • Rain damage
  • Efflorescence
  • Blistering
  • Corrosion of reinforcing bars


Causes of Distress of Malfunctioning

The distress in old concrete structure could be due to one or more of the following reasons…

  • Corrosion of the reinforcing bars due to ingress of corrosion promoting chemicals or due to carbonation of relatively porous concrete.
  • Distress caused in the structure due to attack of chemicals in chemical factories.
  • Crack formation due to alkali aggregate reaction, drying shrinkages or u earthquake damage or uneven settlements.
  • Due to impact damage or due to continues erosion by water, liquid or solids.
  • Due to the effect of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in sewage disposal or treatment systems.

Fire damage of Structures

  • Damage due to the use of poor quality ingredients, poor workmanship or improper design.
  • Change of use of structures, such as
  • Residential to commercial use
  • Increased axial load beyond capacity of columns.
  • Modification of structure for increasing space/accommodation.
  • Structures may also require, major after their normal constructional lifespan.
  • Sometimes buildings are required to be given a new architectural look to fit in the surrounding.

Structural malfunction


  • Foundation settlement
  • Weak and friable concrete
  • Overloading
  • Design deficiencies


  • Structurally significant cracks
  • Excessive deflection in beams
  • Spalling and cracking of cover due to delimitation from the confined core.

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