Introduction of Indian Metro Railway
- India’s 1st and Asia’s 5th metro rail was introduced in Kolkata.
- Over a length of 16.45km and the work on this project was sanctioned on 01/06/1972.
- The construction work started in 1973-74. After crossing so many hurdles Calcutta Metro started its journey on October24, 1984.
Why is it needed?
- Unprecedented growth of personal vehicles.
- Growing traffic congestion.
- Air pollution and traffic accidents has become a major concern.
- To avoid congestion at peak hours.
- Time saving. Reduced fuel consumption.
City Metro Rail
- Lack of adequate connectivity are becoming increasingly eminent.
- Delhi has taken the exemplary lead of developing the Metro Rail.
- India is well on its way to create a world-class MRT system as an integral part of community infrastructure development in the country.
- Shift from private modes of conveyance to public transport.
India is looking to create a world class MRT system
- Growing cities, growing population and rowing traffic has invariably called for a shift from private modes of conveyance to public transport.
- MRTS in the world’s developing nations exist successfully.
- India has lagged behind in this field but the reason could be as follows:-
- Lack of funds planning as is known that such projects require huge capital investments.
- A long gestation period.
- Complex technology.
- The lack of integration between various systems of mass transportation.
- The absence of comprehensive traffic and transportation planning.
Cost Factors
- Metro projects are meant to cater to cities with more than four million population.
- Larger the underground and elevated proposal, larger shall be the cost involved.
- Funding process is done through the PPP model (Public-Private-Partnership) as in Hyderabad and Mumbai or by DMRC model by the state or the central government as in Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata.
- Correct process is the PPP model.
Benefits of Metro Rail
- Requires 1/5th energy per passenger km compared to road-based transport system.
- Causes less noise, no air pollution and eco friendly transport system.
- Occupies o road space if underground and only about 2.60m width of the road if elevated.
- Reduces journey time.
- Cost effective mass transport system.
- Reducing traffic transport problems.
- A cheap mode of transport, the MRTS helps in low energy consumption.
- It is eco-friendly (runs on electricity, thus minimizing air and sound pollution).
- Averts the number of accidents.
- Is efficient in terms of space occupancy and provides comfort with ultra-modern coaches and modern systems like automatic ticketing, advanced signaling systems, automatic train protection system and integrated security systems.
- Also such stations lead to nearby economic development.
- With proper designing, the peak hour capacity could be rated at 3-4 lakhs passengers per hour.”
- The only disadvantage of metros is the slight congestion on roads at the time of construction which has to be taken care of.
- The cost factor is another disadvantage, the solution for which is to integrate metros with others systems considering the volume, structure, availability of space and resources for traffic and transportation.