Green Building Index (GBI)

Negative Impact of Built Environment

  • Construction industry is a major consumer of non-renewable resources and a massive producer of waste, and the operation of buildings is responsible for around half of the total CO2 emissions.
  • 30-40% of natural resources were exploited by the building industry.
  • 50% of energy used for heating and cooling in buildings.
  • 40% of world consumption of materials converts to building environment.
  • 40% of waste sent to landfill.
  • 12% of water consumption in building industry.

General Benefits of Green Building

Social Benefits

  • Enhance occupant comfort and health.
  • Heighten aesthetic qualities.
  • Minimize strain on local infrastructure.
  • Improve overall quality of life.

Economic Benefits

  • Reduce operating costs.
  • Create, expand and shape markets for green product and services.
  • Improve occupant productivity.
  • Optimize life-cycle economic performance.

Environmental Benefits

  • Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystem.
  • Improve air and water quality.
  • Reduce waste streams.
  • Conserve and restore natural resources.

Green Building Index (GBI)

  • Risk management on the building/residents/occupants in the building.
  • Established added infrastructure to the existing green buildings.
  • Comply to the requirements
  • Safeguard or enhance the property value.
  • Practices which are environmental and socially friendly.

What is Green Building Index (GBI)

Green Building Index (GBI) which is Malaysia’s first comprehensive green rating tool was launched on May21 2009 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. GBI is an environment rating system for buildings develop by PAM (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia/Malaysian Institute of Architects) and ACEM (the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia).

It is fundamentally derived from certain existing green rating tools, including:

  • Green Mark (Singapore)
  • Green Star System (Australia)

However, it had been extensively modified to cope with Malaysian tropical weather, environmental context, cultural and social needs.

Why Green Buildings

  • Green building are designed to save energy and resources, recycle materials and minimize the emission of toxic substance throughout its life cycle.
  • Green buildings make different use of resources, have significant operational savings and increases workplace productivity.
  • Green Buildings harmonize with the local climate, traditions, culture and the surrounding environment.
  • Building green send the right message about a company or organization that it is well run, responsible, and committed to the future.
  • Green buildings are able to sustain and improve the quality of human life whilst maintaining the capacity of the ecosystem at local and global levels.

Tiers of GBI Accreditation

  • GBI Accreditation Panel (GBIAP) Regulatory Body
  • GBI Certifiers Assessment & Accreditation
  • GBI Facilitators GBI Project Development

Energy Efficiency

Improve energy consumption by:

  • Optimizing building orientation.
  • Minimizing solar heat gain through building envelope.
  • Harvesting natural lighting.
  • Adopting the best practices in building services unclosing use of renewable energy, ensuring proper testing, commissioning and regular maintenance.


Indoor Environment Quality

Good indoor air quality, acoustics, visual and thermal comfort can be achieved by:

  • Using low volatile organic compound materials.
  • Application of quality air filtration.
  • Proper control of air temperature, movement and humidity.


Sustainable Site Planning & Management

Selected sites must with planned access to:

  • Public Transportation
  • Community Services
  • Open Space and Landscaping
  • Environmentally sensitive areas are avoided and conserved through redevelopment of existing sites and brown fields.


Material & Resources

  • The use of environment-friendly materials sourced from suitable sources and recycling is encouraged.
  • Proper construction waste management with storage, collection and re-use of recyclables and construction formwork and waste is implemented.

Water Efficiency

Implementation of certain water efficiency methods:

  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Water Recycling
  • Water-saving fittings



Innovative design and initiatives that meet the objectives of the GBI.


Who can use the Green Building Index (GBI)

  • All member of project teams, Building owners, Developers and other interested parties such as Contractors, Government and Design and Build Contractors are encouraged to use GBI.
  • GBI is used to validate environmental initiatives of the design phase of new construction.
  • Encouraged the usage of GBI on such projects to assess and improve their environmental attributes.
  • The usage of GBI (non residential) tool without formal certification by an independent accredited GBI certifier does not entitle the user to achieve Green Building Index Rating.
  • Moreover, no fee is payable to green building index under such use.
  • However, a formal certification of the Green Building Index rating requires fee and formal process offered by (GSB).

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