Earth Work Construction Equipment……………..

What is Earth work and earth work equipments?

  • In case of huge construction projects.
  • Proper use of appropriate equipment contribute to economy, quality, safety, speed and timely completion of a project.
  • Equipment are used for highway projects, irrigation, buildings and power projects etc…
  • 15-30% of total project cost has been accounted towards equipment and machinery.

Classification of Equipments

  • Earth-moving equipment
  • Hauling equipment
  • Conveying equipment
  • Aggregate and concrete production equipment
  • Pile-driving equipment
  • Tunneling and rock drilling equipment
  • Pumping and dewatering equipment

Types of Earth Work Equipments

  • Tractor
  • Motor Graders
  • Scraper
  • Power Shovel
  • Back Hoe
  • Drag Line
  • Clam Shell
  • Trenching Machine
  • Bull Dozer


  • Tractors have many uses as construction equipment.
  • While their primary purpose may be to pull or push loads.
  • They are also used as mounts for many types of accessories, such as front-end shovels, bulldozers and others.
  • There are types and sizes to fit almost any job for which they are usable.

Types of tractor

  • Crawler Tractors
  • Wheel Tractors


Motor Graders

  • A grader, also commonly referred to as a road grader a motor grader.
  • It is a construction machine with a long blade used to create a flat surface during the grading process.


  • The construction and maintenance of dirt roads and gravel roads.
  • Paved roads they are used to prepare the base course.
  • To set native soil foundation pads to finish grade prior to the construction of large buildings.



  • Unique machine for digging and long-distance hauling of plough able materials.
  • Self-operating machine.
  • It is not dependent on other equipment.
  • Wheels of machine cause some compaction.
  • The basic parts of scraper are the bowl, apron and tail gate or ejector.


  • To remove wet soil from the surface.
  • Moving or removing dirt, gravel and any other unnecessary material from the surface.
  • Specialized for scraping and it is the most efficient machine for that task.
  • The scraper is capable to dig, load, haul and dump.


Power Shovel

  • To excavated the earth and to load the trucks.
  • Cable of excavating all the types of earth except hard rock.
  • Basic parts of power shovel including the track system, cabin, rack, stick, boom, boom point, shaves and bucket.

Factors affecting output of Power Shovel

  • Class of materials
  • Depth of cutting
  • Angle of swing
  • Job condition
  • Management condition
  • Size of the hauling units
  • Skill of the operator
  • Physical condition of the shovel


Back Hoe

  • Also known as hoe, back shovel and pull shovel.
  • It is used to excavate below the natural surface on which it is rest.
  • Generally used to excavate trench, pits for basement and also for grading work, which requires precise control of depth.
  • The basic parts are boom, jack boom, boom foot drum, boom sheave, stick, bucket sheave.


  • It is the most suitable machine for digging below the machine level such as trenches, footing, basement, etc….
  • It can be efficient used to dress or trim the surface avoiding the use of manual effort for dressing the excavated the surface.


Drag Line

  • The drag line is so name because of its prominent operation of dragging the bucket against the material to be dug.
  • Unlike the shovel, it has a long light crane boom and the bucket is loosely attached to the boom through cables.
  • Because of this construction, a dragline can dig and dump over larger distance than a shovel can do.
  • The basic parts of a drag line including the boom, hoist cable, drag cable, hoist chain and bucket.


  • It is the most suitable machine for dragging softer material and below its track level.
  • It is very useful for excavating trenches when the sides are permitted to establish their angle of repose without shorting.
  • It has long reaches.

Clam Shell

  • This is no named due to resemblance of its bucket to a clam which is like a shell-fish with hinged double shell.
  • The front end is essentially a crane boom with a specially designed bucket loosely attached at the end trough cables as in a drag line.
  • The capacity of a clam shell bucket is usually given in cubic meters.


  • Used for handling loose materials such as crushed stone, and, gravel, coal, etc…
  • Main feature is vertical lifting of material from one location to another.
  • Mainly used for removing material from coffer dam, sewer main holes, well foundation.

Bull Dozer

  • The heavy blade attached to the tractor pushes, the material from one place to another.
  • The tractor can be of the crawler or the wheeled type.
  • Classification of bull dozer:
  1. Position of Blade
  2. Based on Mounting
  3. Based on the control


  • For spreading the earth fill.
  • Clearing construction sites.
  • Maintaining haul roads.
  • Clearing land from the trees and stump.

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