Daulat Ram College (DU) Recruitment 2017

Daulat Ram College (DU) Recruitment 2017

Application are invited from eligible candidates for the following non-Teaching posts on permanent basis. Eligible and interested candidates may apply before the last date. Application must be submitted in the prescribed format only. Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/ she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement. Candidates should go through the Recruitment Notice carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions like Age-Limit/Essential Qualifications (EQs)/ Experience/ Caste/ Category etc. as indicated in this Notice. Candidature of candidates not meeting the eligibility conditions is liable to be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process without any notice.

1. Administrative Officer – 01 post
2. Librarian – 01 post
3. Senior Assistant – 01 post
4. Assistant – 01 post
5. Professional Assistant – 01 post
6. Semi Professional Assistant – 01 post
7. Senior Technical Assistant – 01 post
8. MTS (Lab) – 13 posts
9. MTS (Library) – 01 post
10. MTS (Computer Lab) – 01 post

Last Date of receipt of application : 21 days from the Date of advertisement (Date of advertisement 08.12.2017)

For complete advertisement visit : http://www.du.ac.in/du/uploads/08122017_DRC.pdf

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