About: RITES Ltd., a Government of India Enterprise was established in 1974, under the aegis of Indian Railways. RITES is incorporated in India as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956 and is governed by a Board of Directors which includes persons of eminence from various sectors of engineering and management. RITES Ltd., an ISO 9001:2015 company, is a multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in the fields of transport, infrastructure and related technologies.
Application Begin: 10-09-2019
Last date for Apply: 10-10-2019
Qualification: BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineering
Salary: 14,000/-
Apply Here: https://portal.mhrdnats.gov.in/boat/login/user_login.action
Full Notification Here: https://rites.com/web/images/stories/uploadVacancy/Pers26-10Apprentice1-2019.pdf
Official Website: https://rites.com/