Choose a Professional Architect
- The architect traditionally provides both design and management responsibilities in building projects. As earlier stated, the new fee scale has recognized and provided a separate fee for the management function originally provided by the architect.
- The standard form of building contract has not separated the management responsibilities from the architects design functions. This by implementation means that the architect will for a very long time be saddled with the dual role of a manager and a designer, but they have not done anything to ensure that this structure is separated.
- Many projects are still poorly managed by architect thereby giving room for criticism by the allied professionals.
- Architects should improve their knowledge, general competence in the area of project management to ensure that their leadership in the industry will not be questioned.
Create a Plan
- Planning in construction is the important thing to do.
- Proper orientation, healthy, beautiful, economical etc. is our target.
- An engineer or architect should prepare the building plan according to the demand, economic status & taste of the owner.
- The design of the building should be compatible with the surrounding structures & the weather.
Professional Contractors
- A building contractor should first implement an idea so that the construction project can be carried out to perfection.
- The contractor must take responsibility for hiring workers specializing in certain areas and sub-contractors if needed for the project.
- From talking to the client to preparing the document and required papers to scheduling the time of the construction, everything should be done by the contractor.
- A contractor who knows all the tricks of the trade and is ready to take responsibilities of the project in its entirety is the ideal one.
- Before selecting the contractor, you should ensure that they are registered with the local builders association and have an idea of building codes.
- If the contract provides you a sample of the contract documents, mind you they are professional ones and are competent enough to handle the responsibility.
Site Meeting
- Site meeting is very crucial to the success of any project as it aims at ensuring proper update with respect to the program of work, cost effectiveness, quality and standard of materials and construction.
- Conduct of site meeting is a vital part of the Architect’s responsibilities in post contractual building administration. For a proper grip of the meeting, the Architect should not only be vast in the technicality of building administration, but also in every other aspect of human relationship, management/leadership ability, and communication skill.
- The architect needs to choose which meetings require a face to face meeting, whether at the site or at the architect office, and which meetings might be just effective it held virtually.
- Architect typically have on site meetings with clients but many sub-consultant meetings/discussions are held virtually using many other methods.
Quality Materials
- The important of standardization cannot be over emphasized. It requires the quality of materials and manufactured items to be not below a specific standard level.
- Best quality building materials are healthy for people living in the house as they release no toxins.
- On the other hand, buildings made of low-quality construction materials soon start to deteriorate.
- Sustainable building materials also help decrease a house’s carbon footprint, and promote green living.
- The importance of standardization is not limited to this factor alone, since each revised standard places higher requirements upon the products than the preceding one, with the effect that the industry concerned has to keep up with the standards and improved production techniques.
Complete Paper work
- Tendering is the process of making an offer, bid or proposal, or expressing interest in response to an invitation or request for tender. Organizations will seek other businesses to respond to a particular need, such as the supply of goods and services, and will select an offer or tender that meets their needs and provides the best value for money.
- Payment terms
- Creating strategic partnerships
- Capacity of the supplier
- Wider benefits to the customer
- Warranty
- Risks
- Energy conservation
- Quality, environmental and safety considerations
- Disposal value
- Maintenance and running costs
- Fitness for purpose
Time Management
- Construction project managers often cite delivering projects on time as one of their biggest challenges.
- As the target completion date is already committed to customers, time has the least amount of flexibility; it passes no matter what happens on a project.
- Schedule issues are the main reason for conflicts on projects, especially during the latter half of construction phase.
- Serves as a plan to complete the project.
- Communicates the plan to the project team.
- Measures progress against the plan.
- Proves the contract completion date.
- Divide project into major work areas
- Building technology implies sequence
- Schedule adjustment
- List major contractual obligations
- Calculate initial schedule