Question No 1: When a retaining wall moves away from the backfill, the pressure exerted on the wall is termed as…
A: Passive earth pressure
B: Swelling pressure
C: Pore pressure
D: Active earth pressure
Question No 2: If the pump head is 75m, discharge is 0.464m3/s and the motor speed is 1440 rpm at rated condition, the specific speed of the pump is about……
A: 4
B: 26
C: 38
D: 1440
Question No 3: Flocculation is a process….
A: That removes algae from stabilization pond effluent
B: That promotes the aggregation of small particles into larger particles to enhance their removal by gravity.
C: Both (a) and (b)
D: None of these
Question No 4: Two primary air pollutants are….
A: Sulphur oxide and ozone
B: Nitrozen oxide and peroxyacetynitrate
C: Sulphur oxide and hydrocarbon
D: Ozone and peroxyacetynitrate
Question No 5: The effective length of a circular electric pole of length L and constant diameters erected on ground is….
A: 0.80 L
B: 1.20 L
C: 1.50 L
D: 2.00 L
Question No 6: The superelevation needed for a vehicle travelling at a speed of 60 kmph on a curve of radius 128 m on a surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.15 is….
A: 0.71
B: 0.81
C: 0.91
D: 0.61
Question No 7: The toughness index of clayey soils is given by….
A: Plasticity index / Flow index
B: Liquid limit / Plastic limit
C: Liquidity index / Plastic limit
D: Plastic limit / Liquidity index
Question No 8: The removal of dissolved organic matter occurs in…..
A: Slow sand filters
B: Trickling filters
C: Rapid sand filters
D: Dual media filters
Question No 9: The Bowen ratio is defined as….
A: Ratio of heat and vapour diffusivities
B: Proportionality constant between vapour heat flux and sensible heat flux.
C: Ratio of actual evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration.
D: Proportionality constant between heat energy used up in evaporation and the bulk radiation from a water body.
Question No 10: The order or the flexibility matrix for a structure is….
A: Equal to the number of redundant forces
B: More than the number of redundant forces
C: Less than the number of redundant forces
D: Equal to the number of redundant forces plus three
Question No 11: Two footings, one circular and the other square, are founded on the surface of a purely cohesionless soil. The diameter of the circular footing is same as that of the side of the square footing. The ratio of their ultimate bearing capacities is….
A: 3/4
B: 4/3
C: 1.0
D: 1.3
Question No 12: Muskingum method for routing of flood….
A: Is used for routing floods through reservoirs.
B: Is a method of routing that uses continuity the momentum equations
C: Is a hydrologic method of routing floods through streams
D: Is one in which only energy equation is used
Question No 13: Water flows at a depth of 0.1m with a velocity of 6 m/s in a rectangular channel. The alternate depth is….
A: 0.30 m
B: 0.40 m
C: 0.86 m
D: 0.81 m
Question No 14: An isochrones is a line on the basin map…..
A: Joining rain gauge stations having equal rainfall-duration
B: Joining points having equal rainfall depth in a given time interval
C: Joining points having equal time of travel of surface runoff to the catchment outlet
D: Joining points which are at equal distance from the catchment outlet
Question No 15: In a section, shear centre is a point through which, if the resultant load passes, the section will not be subjected to any….
A: Bending
B: Tension
C: Compression
D: Torsion
Answers Here
- D
- C
- B
- C
- D
- A
- A
- B
- D
- A
- D
- B
- D
- C
- D