Solve These Applied Mechanics Questions……

Question No 1: The centre of gravity of a triangle is at the point where three….

A: Medians of the triangle meet

B: Perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle meet

C: Bisectors of the angle of the triangle meet

D: None of these

Question No 2: The forces which meet at one point and have their lines of action in different planes are called……

A: Coplanar non-concurrent forces

B: Noncoplaner concurrent forces

C: Non-coplaner non-current forces

D: Intersecting forces

E: None of these

Question No 3: At a given instant ship A is travelling at 6 km/h due east and ship B is travelling at 8 km/h due north. The velocity of B relative to A is….

A: 7 km/hrs

B: 2 km/hrs

C: 1 km/hrs

D: 10 km/hrs

E: 14 km/hrs

Question No 4: The locus of the instantaneous centre of a moving rigid body, is…..

A: Straight line

B: Involute

C: Centroid

D: Spiral

Question No 5: A projectile is thrown at an angle a to the horizontal with a velocity v. It will have the maximum centripetal acceleration…

A: At the start

B: At the top of the trajectory

C: As it strikes the ground

D: Else where

Question No 6: The unit of moment of Inertia of a body, is….

A: M

B: M2

C: M3

D: M4

E: None of these

Question No 7: If the gravitational accelerational at any place is doubled, the weight of a body, will…

A: Be reduced to half

B: Be doubled

C: Not be affected

D: None of these

Question No 8: If a body moves in such a way that its velocity increases by equal amount in equal intervals of time. It is said to be moving with…

A: A uniform retardation

B: A uniform acceleration

C: A variable acceleration

D: A variable retardation

Question No 9: A cable loaded with 0.5 tonne per horizontal metre span is stretched between supports in the same horizontal line 400m apart. If central dip is 20 m, the minimum tension in the cable, will be….

A: 200 tonnes at the centre

B: 500 tonnes at the centre

C: 200 tonnes at the right support

D: 200 tonnes at the left support

Question No 10: Which one of the following statements is true…

A: The tangent of the angle of friction is equal to coefficient of friction

B: The angle of repose is equal to angle of friction

C: The tangent of the angle of repose is equal to coefficient of friction

D: All of the above

Question No 11: The product of mass and velocity of a moving a body, is called….

A: Moment

B: Momentum

C: Power

D: Impulse

Question No 12: Engineer’s units of force is…

A: Newton in absolute units

B: Dyne in absolute units

C: Newton and Dyne in absolute units

D: All of the above

Question No 13: The maximum velocity of a body vibrating with a simple harmonic motion of amplitude 150 mm and frequency 2 vibrations/sec, is….

A: 188.5 m/sec

B: 18.85 m/sec

C: 1.885 m/sec

D: 0.18845 m/sec

Question No 14: Joule is the unit of….

A: Work

B: Force

C: Power

D: Torque

Question No 15: Work may be defined as…

A: Force x distance

B: Force x velocity

C: Force x acceleration

D: None of these

Answers Here

  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A

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